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- Earnings per share (EPS): Ratio of total earnings divided by the total investor shares. You can compare stocks with this number.
- Price/Earnings ratio (P/E): What customers are paying for a dollar of the company’s earnings. A stock with a high P/E might mean that the future looks bright — but it will have to work harder to maintain the performance. A low P/E might mean that a price increase is on the way — or that a company is in trouble.
- Price/Book ratio (P/B): When you’re evaluating a few stocks in the same category (like tech or finance), this ratio can indicate what shareholders are willing to pay compared to the company’s reported value. Generally, a value of less than 1.0 could indicate that the price is trading lower than the actual value of the company, signaling an opportunity to buy low (though it may also mean the company is struggling). Because P/B varies greatly by industry, this metric is a gauge most appropriate for comparing “apples to apples” stocks.
There is no major difference. In BSE more stocks are listed hence people prefer BSE. But apart from this, there is no distinct advantage of stock investment of BSE over NSE.
Lets understand it like this? Why we invest in stocks? We do so for capital appreciation or income generation. How to ensure capital appreciation? Buy low and sell high. How to ensure high income generation? Buy dividend paying stocks at low price.
It means the whole concept of stock investment is based on market price of stocks. So what drives the market price of stocks? Whether stock that are listed in BSE grows faster than NSE stocks? Not at all. In fact stock exchange has no influence on market price of stocks.
Market price of stocks is influenced by 2 factors (1) financial performance of its underlying business & (2) demand and supply balance of stocks in stock market.
Not all companies pay dividends, which is a portion of the company’s profits paid to investors — typically on a quarterly basis — per share, and whether they do or don’t doesn’t indicate the health of the company. That said, dividends are essentially an extra incentive that a company uses to entice investors to become shareholders. Though some investors use dividends as a long-term strategy, a higher dividend yield isn’t necessarily favorable, because there may be little room for more growth. Instead of looking for high dividends, you might consider dividend stocks in sectors with room for growth as the economy improves, like health care and technology.
Investors short stocks when the stock’s current trading price is thought to be overvalued. In the shorting process, the investor essentially “borrows” the stock from a brokerage house and sells to another buyer. If the stock price goes lower, the investor who shorted the stock profits from the difference in the buy/sell prices, after repaying whatever is owed to the brokerage house (also called trading on margin). To short a stock, you must trade through a broker using a margin account, which lends you more money to trade than you actually have in the account, at a fixed interest rate. Shorting stocks is an aggressive investment strategy; you must replace the lost money in the margin account quickly if your bet proves incorrect. On the contrary, “longing a stock” means buying and holding a stock for an undetermined amount of time.
Common stocks are ownership interests in a publicly traded business; owners of those interests are shareholders. If a stock’s price increases from the price a shareholder purchased it for, he or she benefits. Preferred stocks, on the other hand, are a longer-term form of fixed-income investing. The company pays dividends to preferred stockholders at regular intervals, which can be fixed or floating. That said, the preferred stockholder doesn’t instantly benefit if a stock’s price increases, like a common shareholder would. If a company becomes insolvent, preferred stockholders are entitled to whatever assets are left to distribute after the other debt holders are paid; common stockholders are essentially last in line for repayment if a company goes bankrupt, and may not recoup any value from their lost shares.
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