Product Categories
It has diversified operations by setting up a Chemicals & Fertilizer division in 1960 at Kovvur.
We are the first Indian company to develop indigenous technology for the manufacture of Aspirin
Corporate Social Responsibility
The term corporate social responsibility is a concept whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment .
Corporate Social Responsibility
“Going green” is not the same thing as sustainability, albeit they are related. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, green is more frequently associated with a singular product or process.
Energy Consumption

Established 33M Coal Based Captive Thermal Power Plant at Saggonda Village and commissioned on 24.03.2017 at 20:07 Hrs. Fuel for this Power Plant is Coal the Power Generated at 11KV Potential will be step up to 132KV Potential with the help of 45MVA, 11/132KV Transformer and fed through 132KV Transmission line to 132KV Bay of our 132/ 33KV Sub-Station and will be utilized for our Captive consumption only i.e., Chloro Alkali Industry at Saggonda.
Associates & Subsidiaries

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Contact Us
- The Andhra Sugars Limited Venkatarayapuram Tanuku - 534215 . West Godavari District ( A.P)
+91 8819 - 224911
( 7 Lines )
FAX: +91 8819-224168 -
- © 2024 - The Andhra Sugars Limited.