The term corporate social responsibility is a concept whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment .It is represented by the contributions undertaken by companies to society through its business activities and its social investment.
Over the last years an increasing number of companies worldwide started promoting their Corporate Social Responsibility strategies because the customers, the public and the investors expect them to act sustainably as well as responsibly. In most cases CSR is a result of a variety of social, environmental and economic pressures.
Corporate Social Responsibility refers not only to the compliance of human rights standards, labour and social security arrangements, but also to the fight against climate change, sustainable management of natural resources, consumer protection, philanthropy and volunteering.

How do you manage YOUR business?
- Products Purchased
- Current business processes impact
- Waste Management
- Ethical Behaviour
All Stakeholders
A supplier may be distinguished from a contractor or subcontractor, who commonly adds specialized input to deliverables
A customer may or may not also be a consumer, but the two notions are distinct, even though the terms are commonly confused. A customer purchases goods; a consumer uses them.An ultimate customer may be a consumer as well, but just as equally may have purchased item.
The Management Discussion and Analysis Report set out here under supplements the Directors’ Report and the Audited Financial Statements forming part of this Annual Report.
Our Company is engaged in the manufacture and sale of Sugar. Organic and Inorganic Chemicals at Plants located at Tanuku, Kovvur. Taduvai, Saggonda and Bhimadole. Non-conventionalWind Pcmer is being generated at Ramgiriin Andhra Pradesh and at Annaikulam.Kurichampatti, Surandai and Kundadam in TamilNadu.
Location Map
Contact Us
- The Andhra Sugars Limited Venkatarayapuram Tanuku - 534215 . West Godavari District ( A.P)
+91 8819 - 224911
( 7 Lines )
FAX: +91 8819-224168 -
- © 2024 - The Andhra Sugars Limited.